From Chairman’s Desk
It's with pride and pleasure that, I, the chairman of the "Pune International School & Jr. college", welcome you and your child whole heartedly to is institution.
Its an attempt to brief out my dream to you, of all things. I wish to do is to provide education because it transforms not only a child but their community as well. And this positive transformation will continue for generations to come! believe that teaching and preparing our kids is one of the most significant act we can do to the society. It is through education that opens our minds to the wider world which encourages us to engage with it on a deeper level.
My staff and I share the Pune International School & vision to provide the best high quality care and education for all communities of Pune, we all have the common core values of respect for sell, for each other and for the environment. We are cofident that this school is the best place for your child. We welcome you active interest.
My school is an amalgamation to competent teachers, exclusive infrastructure and an experienced and eficient administration.
Lastly, the school's genius concern ensures student's emotional growth with intellectual excellence.
Mr. Hulgesh Chalwadi